Espresso machine standard operating procedure

The espresso machine is a superautomatic De Longhi ESAM3300 Magnifica located in 33-339C. It is free for anyone to use, and supplies are replenished on the honor system: please restock from time to time whatever resources you use.

General Usage

You can find the entire user manual online in case of confusion or any further questions. Below I will summarize expected use cases and maintenance that should be performed after every use.

Turn on and preheat

Find the I/O button in the top left, turn it on, and wait for LEDs to stop blinking (about a minute). Once they are solid, the machine is ready to use.

Make espresso

Check both the one-cup and two-cup indicator lights are steady. Use the leftmost dial to set how much coffee you would like the machine to produce, and use the one just to its right to set how strong you would like it to be (more beans == more strong). Select either whole beans or ground coffee by pressing the rightmost of the two round buttons below this dial – when unlit, the machine will grind whole beans, and when lit, it will wait for you to supply ground coffee instead. In the latter case, open the lid and spoon in one spoonful of ground coffee. Then place a cup below the spout and bring the spout as close as possible by pulling gently. Press either the one cup or the two cup button to brew a little or a lot of coffee.

Make steamed milk

Check both the one-cup and two-cup indicator lights are steady. Pull the steam wand out into an accessible position and place the discard water cup under it. Rotate the steam dial at the right side of the machine counterclockwise to open the valve, wait until it stops producing water and emits only steam, and rotate it clockwise again to close the valve. Replace the discard water cup with your cup of cold milk (about a quarter full). Use the dial to turn steam back on until your milk is frothed to the desired volume/temp/consistency. Release steam once more into the discard water cup for a few seconds once you are finished, and clean the wand thoroughly with a damp dish cloth. Purging the wand with steam should be done as soon as possible after steaming to prevent milk building up and going bad inside of the wand.

Warnings and problems

There are three indicator lights on the lefthand side of the machine face. These mean, from left to right, “please refill the water reservoir”, “please emtpy the used grounds container”, and “something else is wrong”. If something else is wrong, please turn the machine off and leave a note with any relevant information.

The round buttons below the coffee strength dial also function as two additional warning lights under specific circumstances. The left button activates a rinse and decalcification cycle, and when this is in progress, this button will be lit up to indicate the machine is busy with this. The right button will be lit up when the decaf override is selected, indicating the machine will bypass the bean grinding step.

If the one-cup or two-cup LEDs are flashing, the machine just needs a minute to heat back up.

If anything else seems to be wrong, please turn the machine off and leave a note with any relevant information. If anything appears broken or damaged, please email so he can bring in any necessary tools or parts.


You are welcome to bring your own coffee grounds and milk and make as many coffees as you like. If you would like to use whole beans, please occasionally contribute whole beans to the stock. I will also keep decaf ground coffee available when I can, and you are also welcome to use this, and asked to please help restock if you use it regularly. I cannot guarantee the machine will remain free of allergens, but as a courtesy, please avoid using flavored beans (e.g. hazelnut) or nut milks (e.g. almond) so that mild allergies can be accommodated.